Grimsby’s Code

The stormy Berlugian Sea is alive with fish. Your crew are ready to take on the challenge of Grimsby’s Code. They must catch fish and live by the code. 

This 10,000 Hours simulation thrusts participants into the turbulence of rapid assimilation of information, inter and intra team tensions and the need to make decisions, get things done, and be held accountable for the way they do it. Reinforced by rigorous debrief, this immersive themed experience will challenge your team to work well together, and with others, and leave them reflecting on their leadership style. 

Outcomes include:

  • Have experienced the tension of achieving demanding results while adhering to a code of behaviours – can they “get things done” while also “get along with others”?

  • Have experienced the value in working collaboratively even when striving for individual goals;

  • Appreciate how the way we lead is on display all the time and that behaviour is noticed and remembered;

  • Discover how everyday complexity can get in the way of the best-laid plans – and the importance of adapting flexibly.

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