Empowering Women in Male-Dominant Industry

In the male-dominant rail industry, there was a pressing need to engage and empower their growing female workforce. We designed and facilitated workshops and Learning Pods to build the cohort’s confidence and connectedness across the business.


Pacific National

Female Empowerment


Influence & Persuasion

Experiential Learning Games

Learning Pods

Our Role

Pacific National recognised the pressing need to engage and empower their growing female workforce. To address this, we played a pivotal role in designing and facilitating comprehensive women's programs. Our approach included organizing workshops will the entire cohort to foster a sense of community and shared purpose. Additionally, we supervised smaller Learning Pods to enhance individual skills and capabilities, connectedness, and overall integration within the business. Through these initiatives, we aimed to build a supportive and inclusive environment that promotes the professional growth and development of women at Pacific National.

The program was a huge success, with the women in the program feeling empowered to speak up and be heard, have a seat at the table and feel valued by their peers and the overall organisation. The program has been nominated for the 2024 Australasian Rail Industry Awards. Fingers Crossed! 🤞

What our client said...

“In the male-dominant rail industry, there was a pressing need to engage and empower their growing female workforce. We facilitated the large room conference style events and supervised small learning groups to build the cohort’s skills and connectedness across the business.”

Pacific National Participant

Let's toss the robotic formalities out the window and have a good old-fashioned chat.


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