Business Development for Professionals

Use your technical capability to drive business and results for your firm.

Consulting, advisory, accounting and legal careers are often characterised by academic and then technical excellence. For the first decade this is sufficient to add value to the firm and advance in your career.

This career progression then culminates into achieving Partner or Principal status at the top of the firm, at which point the professional responsibilities expand from technical prowess to market-facing business development. For many professionals this is challenging and something for which they are often unprepared and even reluctant.

This workshop gives smart people clever ways to do this important work with poise, grace and intelligence. We challenge them to rethink their role to see it as the value adding service delivering pinnacle of a professional advisory or legal career.

Delivery Mode
Face to face
Virtual & Hybrid.

1 Day

Still have Questions?

Dive deeper into our spectrum of services or embark on an exploratory journey with a fun-filled discovery call! Let's uncover the answers together!"